Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Top Ten Dynamic Duos

I've been lax about posting, but here is my first Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish.

 Top Ten Dynamic Duos
1. Harry, Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter- I know that this is technically breaking the rules since these guys are a trio, but give me a break! You can't choose two of the three. That would be like having a Bond movie with no Bond Girl, it just can't be done!!

2. Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley The Sun Also Rises- These two are my absolute favorite couple that wasn't. I've read TSAR again and again, just because I love the complex dynamic of their relationship, the intense will they won't they, and the sympathy I have for both characters (but especially Jake, I kind of love him) never fades.

3. Holmes and Watson The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes- I couldn't make a dynamic duos list and leave off Holmes and Watson. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. I love their inability to function alone, despite the fact they are polar opposites. It was a sad day indeed when Watson left Baker Street for Mary.

4.Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy Pride and Prejudice- To quote You've Got Mail, "She was too proud... or was she too prejudiced and Mr. Darcy was too proud?" Either way, these two finally get their act together and make one of the greatest love stories of all time.

5. Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler Gone With the Wind-  As a girl growing up in the South,while most kids grew up with Batman and Robin, but I grew up with Scarlett and Rhett. These two and their epic love story and even more epic swear word have been a part of my life since I was born.

6. James Bond and M from the James Bond series of novels- Bond Girl Blogs couldn't have a list of dynamic duos without James Bond and the ever mysterious M. These two served justice with a vigor that is unmatched by any other dynamic duo in history (I'm looking at you Superman and Lois Lane). Not only have they made for an incredibly exciting series of books, but also for an amazingly popular and awesome movie franchise.

7. Meggie and Ralph The Thorn Birds- Feel free to shake your head and laugh, or to run over to Wikipedia to look up the Thorn Birds before you read this entry. I can justify this choice by saying that in real life I was named for Meghann Cleary, and I think that her love story with Ralph that spans her entire life is one of the most touching and well written sagas I have ever read.

8. Oskar Schell and his grandmother Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close- EL&IC is my favorite novel. I love everything about this story and this unlikely dynamic duo. I think what I find so moving is the depth of love that Grandmother has for Oskar. She loves him more deeply than I have ever loved anything, and I aspire to that level of love. The story is beyond amazing, and if you have a lazy afternoon, you should definitely pick it up!

9. The Narrator and Tyler Durden Fight Club- There's only so much I can say about this pairing, in my mind the most unusual of the dynamic duos, in case you haven't read the book or seen the movie. If you haven't, you need to do so ASAP. If you have, I think you would agree that this pair makes for a pretty amazing story.

10. Vito and Michael Corleone The Godfather- Last, but definitely not least on this list is Vito and Michael Corleone. I'll be honest, I've never seen the movie version of The Godfather, but I definitely love the book. Vito and Michael have such an interesting power dynamic, and I think to watch it shift as Vito readies himself to hand the power over to his youngest and most beloved son is incredible. One of my favorite scenes from any novel I've ever read is the scene where *SPOILER ALERT* Vito dies in the garden in the garden with Michael there with him. I cry every time, because Vito loves him so much, and yet Michael is so reluctant.

That's the end of my first Top Ten Tuesday. I promise I'll post again before next week!!


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