Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bond Girl Blogs Picks the NCAA Tournament

March Madness is upon us! This Bond Girl is an avid sports fan when she isn't busy saving the world from evil, or canoodling with her leading man. And so, I give you the first annual BGB NCAA picks.

I've filled out two brackets, one "dream" bracket with the ideal outcome that will probably never happen, but who doesn't fill out a bracket with their college winning the tourney?? In my real bracket I've picked Kansas to win it all. I have Duke vs. Carolina in my Final Four, which would basically mean the cities of Chapel Hill and Durham would explode. Tobacco Road would be lined with hecklers (of course in my dream bracket I have UNC winning this, but in reality we'll probably concede to Dook). My only real hopes for this edition of March Madness is that Carolina doesn't lose out before the Elite Eight, the ACC as a whole has a strong showing (especially after Virginia Tech got shafted), and that Dook (aka Duke for those who are new to the UNC-Dook rivalry) doesn't win it all. Durham would be even more unbearable than usual if Dook won two years in a row.

In other sports news, the Yankees lost to the Red Sox last night, and even during Spring Training this is not acceptable. If they don't step it up, I'm going to be on them like book Bond is on SMERSH and film Bond is on SPECTRE.

I hope you all have great luck in filling out your bracket. May you win your pools and beat your friends into oblivion (unless you picked Duke to win, in which case I hope you win nothing.)


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