Sunday, April 24, 2011

I know I've been so terrible about posting, but I've been really busy trying to finish my semester up at school, and now we're almost done. It's the last week before exams, and I just wanted to drop a quick line. I'll definitely be posting more over the summer (that's a threat and a promise :P)

I haven't been reading too much lately. I did read "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" for my Anthropology class, and honestly, I wasn't a huge fan of it. Everyone always talks about how much they loved it, but I thought there was a lot of pointless rambling and information to bias the reader into feeling sorry for and sympathetic towards the Lacks family. Bond Girl was not impressed.

On the sports front, the Yanks are winning, but Derek's playing terribly. He's got to start hitting. Real Madrid won the Copa Del Rey for the first time that I can remember. They won it 17 seasons ago (I think) but I was too young to remember that. But, they return to Madrid triumphant, and what does Sergio do? He drops the fucking trophy and it gets run over by the bus. I suppose the game wouldn't have been complete if Sergio hadn't done something entirely idiotic and Oh-So-Sergio, but I'd bet my last dollar that Iker beat the shit out of him for that! (Just kidding, but not really!) The Canes didn't make it into the playoffs for the NHL, and it was such a let down. So, instead, I'm pulling for the Flyers in the East (the only thing I love more than Danny Briere is how domestic and adorable he is with Claude Giroux) and the Blackhawks in the West (I have a soft spot for Brent Seabrook aka Seabsie. He's puppy dog cute and the 'hawks as a team are really young and likable.)

I promise that I'll update more regularly after exams


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